Follow-Up Consultation

Follow-Up Consultation

Follow-Up Consultation
1 hour follow up

Our personalized follow-up consultation is designed to provide ongoing support and guidance as you progress through your treatment journey. Most patients will need monthly one hour appointments for the first 2-3 months and once you are on the right path to health, we can spread out your appointments. This will depend on each individual and how they respond to treatment. Building upon the insights gained during your initial consultation, our dedicated team works closely with you to assess your response to treatment, address any new concerns or symptoms, and fine-tune your personalized treatment plan for optimal results. We understand that achieving optimal health is a journey, and our follow-up consultations are tailored to meet your evolving needs and goals.

Whether you're managing chronic conditions like Long Covid, Lyme disease, adrenal dysfunction, or mycotoxin illness or seeking support for immune dysregulation, gut microbiome dysregulations, or toxin overload, our team is committed to providing compassionate care and expert guidance every step of the way. During your follow-up consultation, we take the time to listen to your feedback, answer your questions, and adjust your treatment plan as needed to ensure you continue to progress towards optimal health and well-being.

This session is a 1 hour consultation

Get in Touch for Personalized Guidance

Have questions, need assistance choosing the right consultation, or simply want to reach out? Fill out the form below, and we will be happy to assist you.