Virtual-E Well

Explore answers to common questions and empower your health journey.

No, this is a cash only practice due to the unfortunate fact that insurance companies will try to dictate what treatment is provided and will not approve of therapies that will actually help you to get well. Insurance companies follow the outdated IDSA guidelines whereas our team follows ILADS guidelines. We will accept HSA and Care Credit. We will supply a superbill and you can attempt to get your insurance to reimbursement you for your visit.  

Virtual consultations allow patients to meet with healthcare providers remotely via video conferencing. You may use a telephone or computer and our staff will guide you on how to join the visit. During a virtual consultation, patients can discuss their symptoms, medical history, and concerns with their healthcare provider, who can provide guidance, advice, and treatment recommendations. Virtual consultations offer convenience and accessibility, allowing patients to receive care from the comfort of their own home without the need for travel or in-person appointments. 

To schedule a virtual consultation with Virtual-E-Well, click here. Our friendly staff will assist you in scheduling a convenient time for your consultation and provide you with any necessary instructions or paperwork. Prior to your appointment, you will be asked to complete a medical history questionnaire which is important for our provider to review prior to your appointment. You may provide relevant medical records or test results as well which will make your initial appointment more productive.  

Integrative medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that combines traditional Western medicine with complementary and alternative therapies to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health and wellness. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses on treating symptoms and diseases, integrative medicine seeks to identify and address the root causes of illness while promoting overall well-being and prevention. At Virtual-E Well, we embrace an integrative approach to care, tailoring treatment plans to each individual's unique needs and preferences for optimal health outcomes.

Emily, our dedicated practitioner, is a highly qualified and experienced healthcare professional specializing in integrative medicine and the treatment of tickborne diseases, mycotoxin illness, and Long Covid. She has undergone extensive training through prestigious institutions such as ILADS, Dr. Richard Horowitz, The Institute for Functional Medicine, and World Link Medical. She was mentored by a Lyme Literate Naturopathic Physician who taught her about the holistic care of tickborne disease, mycotoxin illness, and Long COVID. Emily has suffered from these same conditions and her lived experience has given her a passion to help others to restore their health and live their lives again. Witha wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach to care, Emily is committed to helping individuals reclaim their health and well-being.

As a Lyme Literate Nurse Practitioner, Emily possesses specialized training and expertise in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of Lyme disease and other tickborne illnesses. She follows the principles and guidelines established by organizations such as ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) and integrates both conventional and functional medicine approaches to provide comprehensive care to patients suffering from tickborne diseases.

If you're experiencing persistent symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, temperature dysregulation, gastrointestinal issues or unexplained neurological symptoms, it may be time to consider seeking a consultation with Virtual-E Well. Most of our patients have multiple symptoms that conventional providers have been unable to help. These symptoms could be indicative of underlying health conditions such as Lyme disease, other tickborne diseases, mycotoxin (mold) illness, adrenal dysfunction, or immune dysregulation, which our experienced team specializes in diagnosing and treating. Learn more about what illnesses and conditions are related to these symptoms.

Still Have Questions?

If you still have doubts or uncertainties, we're here to help. Feel free to reach out through our contact form, and our dedicated team will be happy to assist you further.